So, a funny thing has happened. On the advice of my careers adviser I went ham and applied for several volunteering positions, mainly admin related because that was one of the things publishers look for apparently.
On a whim, I applied for one that read simply "publicist and journalist." I am qualified for neither of these things, I am the first to admit it. I thought though that I had nothing to lose, and that the worst that could happen would be I would be ignored based on my lack of experience, which I fully expected to happen. How wrong I was. The following day I received an email from the gentleman who posted the vacancy, asking how I would prefer to proceed. I said I'd be happy to come for an interview, and a date was set.
I got my train that morning fully expecting an interview, I was utterly terrified. About two and a half hours later, said gentleman asks me "so do you think you'd be interested in doing this then?" To say I was gobsmacked is a bit of an understatement. Obviously I grabbed this chance with both hands and said I'd love to do it, this is invaluable experience for me, oh my goodness yes sir.
Now here I am, not two days later, creating profiles for several bands who will be performing at a folk festival that I will almost solely be promoting. I also have to begin work on a monthly column that I'll be writing, to go live in a local magazine, and begin looking for places to send press releases to. This is all a bit of a whirlwind, and I can't help feeling that this is some sort of fever dream and eventually I'll wake up back in Kansas (well, Middlesbrough, but you get the idea) and be back where I started.
I suppose that this is my first post with a moral. If you just take a mad chance, it might pay off. I got immensely lucky with this, and I'm not the sort of person this happens to frequently, but all of a sudden doors have opened for me. Try, and something wonderful might happen.
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